"Novi Sad is the second largest city in Serbia which has had a great and pretty big punk and hardcore scene for over 30 years. Although I'll be focusing on the contemporary scene and bands, I must mention some great bands which don't exist anymore:



Strive For More

When speaking about the scene generally in Novi Sad, thing that has to be mentioned is SKC (Studentski kulturni centar).

Besides making it possible for us to see The Damned, The Adicts, Peter and The Test Tube Babes, Sham 69 and many other bands in our city for free, they released several albums of local bands which is so great because there's not any label running in Novi Sad. They also put up many punk rock and hardcore shows and the To Be Punk festival in June.

When it comes to the concerts, there are some to see at least once a month, but Belgrade is near and also many people travel to Hungary and Austria to see their favorite bands. Unlike couple of years ago, there's only one venue left, Youth Center CK13, which isn't enough, but we keep it going somehow.
There were a bunch of the zines in nineties, but there's only one paper zine now, Rebuild, which focuses on hardcore.

There are a lot of bands working at the moment. I would start with the bands I think deserve the most attention:
Reflections Of Internal Rain play the mixture of D-beat and hardcore punk with lyrics dealing with personal issues. These guys have been working really hard on everything about the band, which you can hear on their release and you should definitely see them live.

Conviction is really good metalcore band which exists since 2006. The crowd always gets crazy on their shows which is not so usual for Novi Sad, so it's awesome.

Red Union play melodic street punk with strong political and social leftist lyrics. They are active part of the Novi Sad antifascist scene and they toured Europe couple of times.

Poslednji pokusaj is very good oi punk band which deserves attention. They have just recorded their first demo.
Other great bands:
Ground Zero

Atheist Rap


The Bayonets

The Detonators

There are also two new bands which formed couple of months ago which I'm totally excited about...
Through These Eyes is a hardcore band musically influenced mostly by Where Fear And Weapons Meet and youth crew with POSI lyrics about friendship, unity, straight edge etc. They are in the studio now, so expect great material soon.
Another band is Furtive Forest with their modern melodic hardcore sound.
Jain, another new band, but from Belgrade
And one screamo hardcore band from Banja Luka, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Deer in The Headlights."

novi sad is great