"Some autonomous centres where bands can play for a small rent...
AZ Muelheim is one of my favourite places for concerts. You must look at the lineups. Bands from all over the world play on this stage.

This one in Cologne celebrates its first birthday soon.

The next one is in Wuppertal.

And some other dirty little halls and bars where bands can play shows...
The Panic Ballroom in Essen.

The JZE (it stands for Jugend Zentrum, in English it's Youth Centre) in Essen.

Cafe Nova in Essen live music pub

In Cologne, The Underground is a nice place with a beergarden, a concert hall, a pub and a second hall for parties. For the normal parties and disco nights, you pay nothing for entry.

The Aetherblissement in Cologne.

The next one has got a long history in punk and hardcore, the AK 47 in Düsseldorf.

The Roots Club is a nice place in Mönchengladbach.

Alternative Culture centre in Recklinghausen."

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