Saturday 18 February 2012

Portugal - No Borders

"No Borders is a DIY Punk/Hardcore booking agency from Portugal situated in Lisbon. Our goal is to contribute to the growth of a real Hc/Punk movement, keepin' it underground where it belongs!!!

We have already helped various bands from all over the world. If you want to play in Portugal, email us and we will be glad to try to fix something for you. When setting up a show we always provide great vegan food, a nice place to sleep, a cool audience, new friends, lots of fun and of course money for the tour!

There's no defined or pre-established border between where No Borders ends or where it starts. We do not have a fixed "staff" or whatsoever, we're being helped all the time by a large amount of talented friends (other bookers, cooks, designers, photographers, and other helpful individuals). Anyone with a DIY spirit and strong convictions could give us a hand anytime, any show. If you think you can support us with promotion, food, a bed, knowledge, or whatever you think you could provide us, please don't abstain from sending us an e-mail. We're all about mutual aid.

No Borders is anyone who feels like doing stuff, and realises the real potential of our lives. No Borders is anyone who doesn't want to depend on greedy promoters and refuses to give them a single coin. No Borders is anyone who can't wait to grab life with one's own hands and get stuff done. No Borders is anyone who thinks that we should take back the music from the big fat corporations, while we crush the whole industry into pieces. We're doing it ourselves, and we're doing it right now.

We believe there's something much greater behind Punk/Hardcore music and we want to multiply it by infinity."

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