"Occupy, share and enjoy the free space of The Naval Mine (Søminen) in Copenhagen. An action to occupy and liberate the area of an old storage facility for Naval Mines and turn it into a social centre. The area is located right next to the Freetown Christiania by the lake in beautiful green surroundings. It's been open for several years and is used daily by picnicking cityfolks, graffiti artists, dog walkers, bird watchers and everyone else. We're gonna keep on using it and open it up in style.
The 21st of may we're having a demonstration and opening of our new space and you're all invited. Come with your tent, camper, tools and dreams. Your imagination is the only limitation - not the cops!
We know we're in violation of the private property when we're opening up the area, but we cannot obey laws that's allowing beautiful places to decay while the city is suffocating. We hope that authorities, cops and owners realize that everyone wins if we're allowed to show what we can do with the place while everyone will lose if we have to use plan B, C or D to get it.
We're removing the barbed wire to make room for the flowers in our city.
Come join us.
Demonstration, occupation and opening party
Saturday the 21st of may at 14:00. From Christianshavns metro station.
Contact us: bzminen at gmail dot com
Facebook (danish)
Squat The Naval Mine!"
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