Thanks to Lo0m for this info...
The Southern Bohemian scene is rather small as the biggest city (Budweis) in the region is just below 100 000. I will focus mainly on this city and its surroundings, otherwise I will note. There were about 2 or 3 pure hc/punk clubs since the revolution in 1989. Most notable were Mondo and Cuba Bar, where the second was run for years by local punk matador Ságo. Most notable bands of the last decade were:
Dezinfekce - fast hardcore/punk . Two brothers (Maxa bros) and one friend (Flaska) playing the same shit for more than 15 years in almost unchanged lineup.. better with every year...

Better Way - as whole Budweis scene was heavily NYHC oriented this was famous band playing something like Agnostic Front (and I believe they played with them in Prague).

Terrible English, lots of fun... Charismatic singer, two brothers on guitars, Simota on bass (also plays in Satisfucktion), almost perfect drummer.. but in my own opinion their first album was the best and every new was a little worse and then they split about 3 yrs ago..
Some guys are playing now in Dead Set Against

some in The Ownroadies

Delusion - the only sXe band around I know about...old school metalcore they play. They have also been around for a lot of years. They have a new singer for some time and are getting better than ever...

Svině! - great fast hcpunk band from Vodnany where Ježík, the owner of Pohoda RC Bar, which is a famous venue outside of Budweis, sings and drums.

There is also a little punk festival every year called Pohoda Fest...

Satisfucktion - not really hardcore, but this is the best "alternative rock" band around.

Gride - crust/grind matadors. Maxa bros from Dezinfekce have also played in this band recently...

Isacaarum, Ingrowing - don't know much about these bands, both grindcore, but they are pretty good and also were touring Asia, Europe, America...might be pretty well known names in the grindcore scene around the world...

I've skipped all those punkrock bands in the vain of Sex Pistols as I'm not really into it... but people here like horrorpunk and other rock'n'roll derivates a lot. No youthcrew, very few sxe people, some veg(etari)ans. People here are more concerned with their clothes than with some firm standpoints.
If you need some info, try
Other czech (dead or living) bands to checkout -
Balaclava (Prague)

Clean Slate
Kevorkian RIP (Prague)


Kashmir 9:41 (Prague)

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