I've been doing some artwork for different posters for gigs and I also did the artwork for Pavilionul 32's last 7" split with a band from France. They also used that image for tshirts and patches.

Also a band from Germany, Downfall of Gaia used a work of mine for shirts, back patches and other stuff! Both of the bands are friends of mine and that's how I got to do their work...no paying customers yet:))

I'm from Bucharest and I'm still trying to get in the art university here...this year will be the third time haha! This is why I haven't been doing similar work like that on the blog lately because I'm working on doing what they ask at the university...and that's graphic design.

Besides the artwork I'm also trying to put up a crust/hardcore band called Mediocracy in which I am the vocal and lyricist. But things are pretty hard because we constantly have problems with getting members...for example now we are looking for a drummer...but I hope we can play very soon.

check out my band Mediocracy