Auf’schlag (Viareggio)
Wardogs (Lucca)

Holocaust (La Spezia)

Senza Sterzo (Pisa)


and together they formed the so-called "Granducato hardcore".

Unfortunately I didn't experience these years because I was born in '83 but I know these bands by old vinyls and re-recording cd's found in various flea markets and by the stories of older "kids".
Today these bands do not play anymore but the "scene" is not dead.
The scene of Toscana today isn't as big as Lombardia's or Lazio's, but there are some people with attitude who want to do something concrete. Especially in the main town, Florence, there are some squats and often they organize some hc shows.
Nowadays, these are some bands playing:
Alfatec (Firenze)

Carlos Dunga (Firenze)

Watch Your Step (Firenze)

Disease (Prato)

PxRxMx (Prato/Siena/Grosseto) - this is my band

Since 2004 I've written a 'zine, called PO-GO. This year I hope to press the number 10.

With my friends Chiara and Christian I "manage" a little diy label called Beggar God Records.

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