Before I talk about the Indonesian HxC scene, first of all let me talk about my local scene, bcoz the Indonesian HXC scene is huge and hard to explain ;p
Here I'm living in a small town called Bogor, but, bcoz it's always rainy, we have got a nickname "raincity" ^_^ it's only 1-2hours from Jakarta by car/train/bus. Even the scene here is smaller than Jakarta but the positive thing is we can know each other closer, and it's not only hxc music, but for all of the DIY music scene.
Nowadays I think hxc scene in Bogor is getting bigger, seeing as there are a bunch of new potential HxC bands rising. They play so powerfully and are ready to release their EPs or full lengths about now. And bcoz we're living in a so-called small scene, it's the reason why we can keep in touch, helping each other to make DIY shows...
There have been lots of worldwide DIY HxC bands that have to come to our city, like Everybody's Enemy (Japan), Meaning (Japan), Punishable Act (Germany), Channel X RIP (Malaysia), Kids On the Move (Malaysia), Pazahora (Sing), Steve Towson (Aus) and many more..or maybe other bands wanna make part of their tour here? Just contact me! ;)
It's not only music we have, sometimes we do lil' things other than just music, like making a DIY movie show. We are watching movies together at the weekend every 1-2 months, not only hxc movie, but a bunch of genre movies that, after we have watched them, we can discuss together.
Other things that we sometimes do are Garage sales, Earthday movement - such as spreading leaflets, pamphlets about positive movement to save the earth, from our own personal campaigns to Food Not Bombs, and many more...
We have had a big response about that, some positive, some negative but I think that's normal. We live with a lot of argument around, but we know what is the best we can do, right? ;)
For more info about indonesian HxC/Punk scene, you can visit:
*this blog made by me, it's for Indonesian hxc/punk/indie music downloadble

*another blog about the Bogor scene that is made by my friends

United Blood
*hxc webzine from Jakarta, Indonesian capital city

In Our Hands
*hxc webzine from Malang, a small town far from Bogor/Jakarta, but has a big hxc/punk scene
Jogja Berdikari
*Yogyakarta (a big city with big hxc punk scene) hxc punk music downloadble
Soon, in March the One Voice Asia tour will be in Bogor, it's not a band but its like a hardcore family around the world that is based in Asia, the founder of One Voice Asia, Anis is gonna celebrate his birthday in Bogor...maybe we can write a report then ;)
One Voice Asia
You can contact with them to get some scene reports from Singapore, Malaysia, Philiphines, Thailand, and more ;)
Titan Scroat
If you wanna download my band's songs check this out:
JavaxMacha - 4 waysplit indonesia-japan
Revolt - promotape 2000
revolt - mosh!mosh!mosh! we're only young once (unreleased)
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