One of the most important live events of the year takes place in Petroupoli, Theatro Petras this Sunday night.
7 well-known greek rock bands share the stage for one purpose; to gather money and show their solidarity to the anarchist prisoner Simos Seisidis, imprisoned after being caught and injured by the police. Being treated like the most dangerous terrorist of the planet, with police surveillance even inside the hospital room, Simos Seisidis suffered a severe injury in his leg after being shot by the police. Eventually, the doctors decided to cut his leg, an action that was seriously criticised by other doctors and people related to the prisoner. In fact, there is a serious doubt if the treatment that included cutting his leg was inevitable...
So, this Sunday, Deus Ex Machina, Dimitris Poulikakos & Seisaxtheia, Tzimis Panousis, Last Drive, 9MM, The Raindogs and BMW Rockers 57 team up for a benefit show that will start around 8 o'clock. The entrance is just 5 euros.
Show your support and solidarity.
Reblogged from World's Appreciated Kitsch
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