Well here's a list of some of the bands that represent Tijuana (hardcore bands that are coming to my mind haha):




Outlaw Bastards

Verbal Desecration

Calafia Puta

Sucia Imagen



Artwork: Marco Labastida
Uprising A.D.

Artwork: Adrian Balderrama
Red Awakening


There are some zines in the area, but not well known, we have 2 skate zines I believe they're free!
Cortes Crudos

Wild Donkey

Mostly all of the bands have indie labels, this one I know...
Nuestra Lengua Records
The venues mostly are bars. There is one called EL BURRO RAYADO 4 bars in one (one of them is for the bands),
there is another one called BILLARES EL TRAVIESO, its a pool place, these places don't charge you for doing the show, they just want to sell some beer, same as one called EL PUEBLITO, big ones are like EL FORO (formerly jai alai palace), PLANETA TIJUANA (formerly bujazan movie theater) I don't know how much they charge you, but that is where the "big bands" play.
Also I play in the band Calafia Puta if you like to download our new cd.
Hope this helps...
Why you are not listing Cardio Kasan.. ?