I'm from the south of the Netherlands, I live in a city called Tilburg.

We've got a few bands over here and sometimes there are hardcore/punk shows in a small venue called Little Devil (Touche Amore is playing in a few months, I'm really stoked about that). It's not really vivid though, some shows there are 30 people and others are packed. It's always a bit insecure setting up a show here.
Tilburg has a few cool bands:

Cracks in the Wall

State of Affairs

I'm in 2 hardcorebands:
Laatste Halte


Not from this city, but from the Netherlands...
This Routine is Hell

Brat Pack (Nijmegen)

Citizen's Patrol

Angst (Drenthe)

Gonzo (Drenthe)

Sand Creek Massacre (Nijmegen)

Grinding Halt

and bands like Seein Red were already in the second post about the Netherlands!
Reflections is one of the biggest labels in Europe and also from Tilburg!

Cool venues with a squatting history...
ACU (Utrecht)

De Onderbroek (Nijmegen)

Sub071 (Leiden)

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