I am from Tallinn, capital of Estonia, a small country in northeastern Europe. Unlike our neighbouring countries (Finland, Russia, Latvia), the HC-scene is pretty small here, but it has started to develop in recent years. Weird thing is that the more people are attracted to hardcore/punk scene, the more DIY-oriented it has become. Most of the concerts nowadays are held at Follow Your Dreams studios - a small practice room for young bands - thanks to Skot and Max (guys from Tallinn's most prominent hardcore band NMR).

Still, bigger gigs are held at various bars, but the rent is pretty big, so for the organizers there's a big chance to lose money with those shows (like it happened with Death Before Dishonor/Ignite gig). Local hardcore community, as small as it is, is strong, I can say that. For example there's not been a fight in the last five years, at least i don't remember any. Nobody cares if you're russian or estonian, we're all in this together!
Some bands worth checking out:
NMR (Tallinn)
Like I said before, the most prominent hc band in Tallinn right now.

Dead for Something (Ida-Virumaa)
Positive grindy hardcore punk, girl vocals.

Lahesõda (Tartu)
Started as a street punk band, but is nowadays moving towards NY hardcore sounds.

Hirnlos (Tallinn)
Fast and noisy!

Burn Still (Tallinn)
Metalcore band, but still respected in the community due to guys being also active in the scene.

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