I'm from the west part of Hungary, from Veszprém county.
I know some good hardcore/punk bands, some of them are sxe, some aren't...I don't care. Our scene is very small, but I like it. We have just 2-3 active clubs in our area now, but we deal with it and we try to put on good shows as best as we can.
Good local bands from the county:


Positive Mind


Plan Beer (my band, haha)

There are no zines this year. I edited a zine called "nem változunk" last year (means: we don't change), but I have stopped doing it for a while.
We have some blogs, mostly in hungarian:
agyampokla - mostly crust/hardcorepunk stuff

We Don't Change - blog version of my fanzine

heart-a-tact - my download blog

Veszprém County Underground - you can find a local scene report in the blog section. A little bit old (1 or 2 years I think)..

Break the Silence - shows in my town (Tapolca)

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