I’m from Lima, Perú, which is the largest city in Perú, and I’m involved in our scene since 1989 if I remember well.
Our scene actually, is a small scene if we compare it with other countries, local shows usually have 120 or 150 people, and international shows get 200 or 250 people, but there are a bunch of bands who play very often and we are trying to make this grow.
Hardcore bands appeared in our city in 1984 and in those days we had a really hard political situation cuz we were in the middle of a war between terrorist groups and the army. The first hardcore bands were almost strictly political bands all of them, and they talked about the violence in our country and the fear in our city, there were legendary bands like...

Kaos General
Guerrilla Urbana/Ataque Frontal

Situación Hostil

Sentido Común D.R Hardcore
During these years the scene was so small as it is now. After a couple of years almost all these bands called it quits and it coincided with the end of the war. Then in the early 90’s new bands appeared...
Desarme (still active)

Producto de Ira

S.N.A. Nada Tuyo
Decisión Final
Futuro Incierto, and other bands who started to talk about the life in the city and the economical consequences of the war.

In these times our scene grew a lot and we had local shows with 1500 or 1800 people, but, the economic crisis and a dictatorial government forced a lot of bands to split and the hardcore scene almost disappeared for a couple of years.
In the late 90’s, some bands helped to reactivate our scene with a sound more post-hardcore and some fusion with ska and other sounds...



The bands that actually are part of our scene now appeared in the early 2000’s and are almost all influenced by the youth crew revival era, but in the last couple of years some bands have adopted a sound approaching 90s New Age Records bands.
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