The River Card are the main band from around here. They've toured Europe quite a few times.

There is another band that are called Guillotines that have just started up. They're not really straight up hardcore but they're good, kind of an experimental hardcore/real screamo band similar to Some Girls, Throats, Orchid etc.

Another band called Black Mass have members from Stoke but are based in Leeds.

Both these bands are on a record label based in Stoke called Power Negi.

There's a band called Heartless and I think they're from Crewe which is just up the road. Not sure if they're still going though.
The main venue in Stoke is Harry's Bar. It's staged bands like Ceremony, Backtrack, Miles Away and more as well as a lot of UK hardcore bands.

There was a venue called The Glebe which had a lot of big bands like Cruel Hand, Set Your Goals, Ruiner etc. but it got closed down.
There is a largeish venue called The Sugarmill which has staged a fair few hardcore bands like Have Heart, Verse, Shipwreck, Fucked Up, Set Your Goals, Four Year Strong, Cancer Bats as well as local bands but it doesn't have a lot of hardcore shows anymore.

To be honest Stoke doesn't have a really big scene. There is the occasional show but most people just go to Manchester and Birmingham. There's not really enough people into hardcore to get a scene as big as those places.
Manchester has these bands...

Broken Teeth


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